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Help us advance biocontrol of soil insect pests

Portrait Benedikt Kurtz

“We are looking for R&D collaborators to help us identify the next generation of biocontrol agents for soil insect pests, to help farmers in their battle to protect their crops and deliver sustainable agriculture."

Benedikt Kurtz, Scientific Expert Seedcare Insecticides & Nematicides, Syngenta


Soil-based pests cause extensive damage to essential crops, including corn and soybeans. This can greatly impact yields and poses a serious threat to agricultural productivity worldwide.

As a leader in biologicals and seed treatment technologies, Syngenta is dedicated to developing innovative biocontrol solutions to address this challenge, and we need your help to do so.

Existing biocontrol solutions for soil pests often lose effectiveness when delivered as a seed treatment—a method farmers favor due to convenience and efficiency. We are actively seeking innovative biocontrol technologies optimized for seed treatment delivery, though solutions designed for soil application will also be considered.

Our primary interest lies in microbial-based solutions, yet we are open to exploring other biocontrol technologies, including proteins, peptides, and natural products. Ideal solutions should show preliminary evidence of efficacy in pest control or have a strong rationale for development.

Syngenta is open to collaborating with startups, researchers, universities, and R&D partners to co-develop groundbreaking solutions enabling farmers to combat soil pests more effectively. Join us in advancing agricultural innovation to protect and sustain crop production worldwide.

What we're looking for

  • Initial Efficacy Data: Early evidence of efficacy, such as results from whole plant assays in pots or glasshouse environments or a compelling scientific rationale supporting effectiveness against soil pests like wireworms or rootworms.

  • Efficacy demonstrated through field validations.
  • Different approaches to biocontrol such as:
    • Inducing systemic acquired resistance
    • Acting as an attractant in addition to biocidal activity
    • Acting as a repellant
    • Improvement to the Rhizobiome

What we can offer you


Access to expertise including our 6,000+ forward thinking scientists

Realize real world potential from your research

Through our global reach and market knowledge we can help deliver impact from your research or technology

Funding and backing

We are able to fund selected projects to drive toward commercialization through our global footprint. We'll discuss with you how best we can take forward your technology or research together

New avenues and opportunities

Shared passion to tackle agriculture’s most complex challenges, increase innovation, and advance more sustainable agriculture

Work with us to help feed the world

Our people are specialists: they are innovators, scientists, engineers, technologists, regulatory experts and data scientists in multiple fields.