Breeding and seed production technologies

Breeding technologies play a critical role in enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.

Please select from the licenses for research purposes below to accelerate innovation in agriculture: 

Your selected licenses will appear here.


Why & who benefits

We are committed to making certain Syngenta proprietary technologies available for research; currently licenses are only offered to non-profit academic institutions solely for internal research purposes. We understand that license negotiations can be time and resource intensive. Therefore, we have set up an efficient, facilitated licensing process for researchers to access our proprietary technology under transparent, non-exclusive, royalty-free terms. The license is offered under a non-negotiable simple license agreement, thereby reducing transactional costs for all parties. We are proud to offer this new system, which we believe is practical, progressive, and important in meeting the needs of modern plant research and breeding.

We all benefit. Scientists and breeders benefit from straightforward, quick, and easy access to proprietary technologies for their academic non-profit research use. Syngenta benefits from the increased dissemination and use of our technologies in research, as well as reduced transactional costs associated with license negotiations.

How it works

Licensing our technologies is simple: Search our catalog of proprietary technologies on this website

  1. If you find a technology (or technologies) you are interested in licensing, simply select the licenses then click on the "Apply" button, fill out the form and submit.
  2. A technology licensing manager from Syngenta will follow up on your request and engage with you and/ or a representative from your institution.
  3. Once the contract is signed by an authorized representative of your non-profit academic institution and counter-signed by Syngenta, you can use the technology in your research programs for internal research purposes.

Licenses have been clustered by technology area. A researcher should designate all technologies of interest when submitting the application through Shoots. The Syngenta license includes them in a single agreement. If licenses to technologies are required for different technology areas, a separate license request should be submitted.

A researcher should designate all technologies of interest when submitting the application through Shoots. The Syngenta license includes them in a single agreement.

The non-profit academic license is for a specific researcher at their institution. It automatically terminates upon their departure from their current institution. They may apply for a new license through their new institution.

We cannot guarantee exact timing, but efforts are made to finalize signing the license agreement within 2 to 3 weeks for organizations based in North America and 4-6 weeks for organizations outside of North America.

Our primary objective is to disseminate our technologies to individual researchers at non-profit academic research institutions. However, under certain circumstances, including but not limited to concerns related to liability or stewardship, license contracts may be declined. If this happens, the reasons will be made transparent.

When a specific technology is covered by two or more related patent families that are available for licensing, the Syngenta license includes them in a single agreement.

What we are offering

All technologies presented on this website are patented or patent pending.

Transfer of know-how depends on the technology selected. If there is know-how available for license for a particular technology, it will be specifically identified in the license.

No, the license requested through Shoots provides access for non-profit academic research from the effective date of the license contract onwards.

Improvements remain the sole property of the licensee. A grant back clause is present in the license and entitles Syngenta and its affiliates to research, develop, and commercialize the improvements made by the licensee including the right to sublicense in its normal course of business.

The offer in the non-exclusive research license offered through Shoots is available for academic research purposes only. Syngenta may consider other agreements in specific cases when an entity is interested in using Syngenta technology for commercial purposes. Please contact for more information.

We will continue to explore the possibility of including additional technologies. 

Other rights or obligations

No, the license Syngenta is offering is only to Syngenta’s patent rights and know-how, it does not include any licenses to third party patent rights or know-how that may be useful or required for licensee’s use of the Technology.  It is licensee’s responsibility to determine whether a license to third party rights is required for its use of Syngenta’s Technology and to obtain a license to any such third-party rights at its own expense.  Syngenta does not condone or encourage infringement of third-party patent rights.   

The licensee or the principal investigator must provide an annual report to Syngenta on how the technology is used including a summary of the results and copies of any publications.

General research licensing enquiry